What Can I Eat to Prevent….?
Question by I love America???: What can I eat to prevent….?
Kidney stones?!?!??! I just had them and never ever ever have exp. any pain like that in my life. What can I do to prevent them???
Best answer:
Answer by carlos s
PH balance, your body,Kidney stones come from an imbalance of your bodys PH, too much alkaline, acidity ect.. do research, write (kidney stones) into your search engine bar and see what it comes up with, better yet I’ll be back in a few minutes with more info…O.K. I’m back, I couldn’t find my book (Prescriptions for healing) by Balch and Balch so I picked up (Healing with Vitamins) Here’s what it says,(Take a look at a kidney stone under a microscope, and you’ll understand why the pain of passing a stone is unforgettable. Most stones are spiked with razor-sharp crystals. No wonder those who’ve gone through the experience say the agony is equivalent to a knife in the back. Kidney stones develop when urine concentrations of minerals and other dissolved substances get so high that the minerals can no longer remain dissolved. Stones can also form if the pH (acid-alkaline balance) of urine is too high or too low, In all cases, the minerals form insoluble crystals and precipitate, or drop out, of the urine, exactly the same way too much sugar drops to the bottom of a glass of iced tea. The crystals collect in the kidney ducts, slowly solidifying into stones. Most doctors these days rely on both dietary measures and drugs, often diuretics (which decrease urinary calcium and increase urine flow), to keep kidney stones from coming back. KNOW YOUR STONE, While some dietary changes seem to help prevent all kinds of kidney stones, a few work for only certain types of stones. So it’s important to know the kind of stone you have formed, doctors say, The only way to do that is with laboratory analysis of a captured stone. The most common type of kidney stone, made of calcium oxalate, is found in more that 80 percent of cases. “It’s also important to know why you’re forming stones. The only way to do that is with urine and blood tests and measures of levels of some hormones, such as parathyroid hormone, which regulates body levels of calcium,” explains Freda Levy, M.D., clinical associate professor at Methodist Medical Center in Dallas. “People form stones for lots of different reasons, includihng metabolic abnormalities and infections.” Check with your doctor to make sure you’re selecting the best dietary changes for your specific condition before you try any of these measures, she adds. MAGNESIUM MAY COUNTERBALANCE CALCIUM The chemistry behind kidney stone formation is complex. Some doctors believe that the ratio of calcium to magnesium, another essential mineral, in the diet is important. They recommend that they get at least the Daily Value of magnisium, 400 milligrams, through diet and supplements, if neccessary. Most kidney specialists believe that there’s only a minor role, if any, for magnesium in the treatment of kidney stones. They might recommend supplemental magnesium to someone whose urine is low in magnesium and high in calcium , which is a rare condiion, says Fred Coe, M.D., professor of medicine and physiology and chief of nephrology at the University of
Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. But some researchers and some doctors with an interest in nutrition blieve that magnesium’s potential for preventing stones has not been fully appreciated. They maintain that getting an optimum amount can help prevent stones in many people. “Doctors think it doesn’t work because they don’t try it,” says Stanley Gershoff, Ph.D., professor of nutrition and dean emeritus at Tufts University School of Nutrition in Medford, Massachusetts. In a study that Dr. Gershoff did years ago, 149 people who had had at least two stones annually for five years saw their stone formation drop dramatically when they started taking 300 milligrams of magnesium a day. (They also took 10 milligrams of vitamin B6 a day, which is discussed below.)The people were followed for 41/2 to 6 years. Over 90 percent had no stones “We try to get them under ten ounces a day, and the less, the better…Now to finish, stay well-watered, Shake the salt habit, Don’t be so sweet, Don’t have a cow or a pig or a chicken, Don’t cut back on calcium, Go easy on C, Scratch oxalates off your grocery list, Don’t worry about coffee or beer and Take Potassium. Enough for you?, Hope I’ve been of SOME help. Do research, and Good luck.
Answer by dsfsdf
fish oil
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