How Can I Find a Drug Rehab Center for Someone Without Insurance?
Question by Casey G: How can I find a drug rehab center for someone without insurance?
My son is 30 years old, unemployed with no insurance. He is using methadone, but would like to get off of that and get his life back together.
Best answer:
Answer by bmac
He needs to talk to the doctor who has him on the methadone. They will certainly be able to tell him where he can go for detox and rehab. That is, IF your son wants to get off the methadone. If it’s just something you want for him, he’s not going to stick with it. He has to want this for himself.
Parents, advocates push for drug rehabilitation be paid for by health insurance
BRENTWOOD – As the heroin crisis worsens on Long Island, parents and advocates are hoping Albany can pass a bill requiring inpatient drug rehabilitation be paid for by health insurance. The issue was discussed at the first of 12 statewide forums on …
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