Is Drug Addiction a Choice or a Disease? (Re: Drugs Are Super Fun)


Is drug addiction a choice or a disease? (re: Drugs are Super Fun) – This is a response to the following video: Typical nervousneuron style, taking a 3 min video and making a 15 min response. But the question “Are people who are addicted to drugs weak?” is actually quite complicated. Of course, most of us could reply with our yes or no answer with a personal anecdote. But if we go deeper, new questions arise such as ‘are all behaviours choices?’ and ‘what is a disease?’. For the tl;dnw version, basically addiction is a disease of choice. People may be predisposed to addiction but that does not mean there is nothing they can do about it. There is still personal responsibility, but it is not weakness of character. Compulsions are strong, so resisting them would be more of a strength of character. LINKS: Pleasure unwoven: Nicotine and gene polymorphism study: I did not go into this specific study into detail because it would require another 15 mins to explain it properly. And it requires knowledge of the pharmacology of nicotinic receptors as well as some brain anatomy (the habenula and the interpeduncular nucleus) and understanding the methods requires knowledge of rat/mouse self administration protocols and neurohistochemistry. Magazine article on the question: Animal models of addiction: (I only skimmed this so don’t know if it’s the best) Any questions, ask away in the comments.


Prescription Pill Abuse

Filed under: drug addiction news articles

These medications are prescribed for the management of pain, and work by reducing the intensity of brain signals that control pain sensation and emotional responses, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse. “The symptoms of the pain are being …
Read more on The Corsair


Drug, Alcohol Abuse Costs Alaska's Economy .2 Billion

Filed under: drug addiction news articles

A new report finds that alcohol and drug abuse cost Alaska's economy $ 1.2 billion in 2010. That number includes direct, immediate costs, such as the $ 217.7 million spent on criminal justice and protective services and $ 237.3 million on health care costs.
Read more on Alaska Public Radio Network