Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction


Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction – Discover the symptoms of marijuanaaddiction in this free home health video Expert: rivrsurvivor Bio: John DePalma, born and raised in, Queens, NY, has been a recovering alcohol and drug addict for over 17 years. Falling off the wagon, after five years, John learned a no nonsense approach to dealing w


Prescription drug abuse on rise among JK youth

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

Jammu, Nov 15: Owing to over the counter sale, prescription drug abuse is on rise among the youngsters in Jammu and Kashmir. A recent survey has revealed that at least twenty patients with addiction symptoms are screened at different Out Patient …


Maine doctors requiring random drug tests before writing prescriptions for

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

The number of babies born with opiate withdrawal symptoms has skyrocketed. And this week Maine had its 50th pharmacy robbery of 2012, a crime that experts say is directly tied to prescription drug addiction. Maine had half that number of robberies in …
Read more on Bangor Daily News


From Twitter:

Counselling Information, Addiction: What are Ambien withdrawal symptoms? | Addiction Blog – by NoelMcDermott (Noel McDermott)


From Twitter:

The symptoms of love and drug addiction are scarily similar. The only difference is that love is usually more damaging. – by Hello_Whitty_ (Whitney Hilliard)