How Do You Cope With the Intense Pain After Lost Your Loved One Through Suicide?

Question by simplylovely: How do you cope with the intense pain after lost your loved one through suicide?
I have dated him for six months. I thought he was my soul mate. He was a really wonderful boyfriend.
How do I get through this.? How long is the average grieving period? thank you

Best answer:

Answer by anita-rita
oh my god that’s horrible I’m so sorry, but all i can say is it takes time.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Binge Drinking – The Consequences C4 News Article – Liver failure among young people is soaring as a consequence of binge drinking. But are teenagers aware of the dangers of drinking? My niece Stacey passed away on May 22nd aged 24. Whilst Stacey was in hospital Channel 4 approached her to take part in a news report/ mini-documentary about alcohol and the affects it is having on youngsters today. Staceys family (and hopefully the other families involved) want as many people to see this as possible to get the message across to other children and parents. We do not have enough help and support out there for these young people and more needs to be done, we have an epidemic on the horizon. We hope this helps at least one youngster or family. Please be aware that there are images that some may find upsetting or disturbing. Many Thanks for watching. To view the full unedited version with the studio Q & A please visit Channel 4 news. This was originally broadcast as part of the evening Channel4 news bulletin on 25th June 2008. Our thanks go out to Film-maker/journalist Kate Taunton, Channel4 and Minnow Films ‘


Discovery Channel's next reality series: "Amish Mafia"

Filed under: drug addiction newspaper articles

"That's where the Amish Mafia comes in," a preview article says, referencing the 2006 massacre at Nickel Mines school as an example of Amish "vulnerability." Several locals who discussed the series said they've … An FBI study later revealed those …
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Marijuana law introduced to Uruguay congress

Filed under: drug addiction newspaper articles

Uruguay still hopes to drive big-time drug dealers out of the marijuana business and enable pot smokers to buy their weed legally without having to feed the illegal and violent industry that provides addicts with harder drugs such as cocaine and its …