Kevin Booth Exposes CIA Controlled Drug Running Business in Latest Dvd on the Alex Jones Show 1/4


Kevin Booth Exposes CIA Controlled Drug Running Business in Latest Dvd on The Alex Jones Show 1/4 – Alex talks with film and video director, producer, and musician Kevin Booth. Booth’s film, American Drug War – The Last White Hope, has won three consecutive awards for “Best Feature Length Documentary” and was featured on Showtime. In his latest film, How Weed Won the West, Booth traces the fight against Federal drug regulation in the State of California. He interviews radio host Alex Jones, former drug dealers, real-life gang members, legal-weed pitch men, activists and advocates to find the truth. [[ How Weed Won The West ]] In the follow-up to his ground-breaking documentary ‘American Drug War,’ filmmaker Kevin Booth traces the fight against Federal drug regulation in the State of California. A public majority has spoken and said yes to states rights, allowing for the use of medicinal marijuana and opening up a new front in controversial medicinal ‘dispensaries.’ While users herald the freedom of legally-licensed “weed,” powerful forces at the DEA and law enforcement haven’t given up their federal enforcement power yet. Many dispensaries have been raided, targeting their distribution of marijuana and challenging their authority to rise into legitimate business. In the backdrop of this public dispute is the Dark Alliance– where governments handle the volume of drug trafficking and work with cartels and drug dealers to manage the drug flow. Just like the prohibition of alcohol, drugs have thrived on their illicit appeal


Medical Marijuana Users Get Booted From Public Housing

Filed under: Drug Use California

Medical marijuana users enjoy protection from criminal prosecution under California law — but that's about it. A medical cannabis patient can be fired solely for using the preferred drug, and any medical … City housing policy bans the use of illegal …
Read more on SF Weekly (blog)


A pure form of the drug Ecstasy brings relief to war vets with PTSD

Filed under: Drug Use California

The Santa Cruz, California-based organization said the pure MDMA used in treatment is different from Ecstasy, which often contains other harmful substances. Ecstasy's recreational use has caused deaths from heat exhaustion or over-hydration, Dr …
Read more on New York Daily News


State senator to revive CA teacher dismissal bill

Filed under: Drug Use California

Padilla sponsored a bill earlier this year to reform the dismissal process for teachers involved in sexual abuse, violence or drug offenses against children, but it died in the Assembly Education Committee. The California Teachers Association opposed …
Read more on Sacramento Bee