PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE: AN AMERICAN EPIDEMIC – [High Definition] Short documentary/Interview style presentation about some of the negativity and dangers associated with prescription drug abuse. Shot, Edited & Directed by Aaron Buchanan Sr. [email protected]


'Anti-gambling' pill goes to trial

Filed under: drug abuse definition

The DSM-5 is expected to broaden the definition of addiction to include gambling for the first time, making it almost no different to drug or alcohol addictions. More importantly, addiction-medicine experts believe this means that treatment approaches …
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Misdiagnosing the Culture of Violence

Filed under: drug abuse definition

The other major node in the discussion of causes and solutions pertaining to the massacre in Newtown is an ill-defined push for “more mental health care.” As with criminal law, psychiatry reform has been a long series of often … Psychiatric abuse did …
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From Administrative State to Constitutional Government

Filed under: drug abuse definition

In specific cases where an employee alleges that an employer is engaging in“unfair labor practices” (a vague phrase that is defined, of course, by NLRB rules), the employee's allegation is typically resolved in a hearing before an NLRB administrative …
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Russia gives initial OK to American adoption ban

Filed under: drug abuse definition

By DAVID B. CARUSO and JEFF DONN Associated Press A federal crackdown on illicit foreign supplies of human growth hormone has failed to stop rampant misuse, and instead has driven record sales of the drug. …. A law passed this summer already requires …
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