What Would You as an Individual Like to See Included in a Drug Abuse Advert Creating Awareness?

Question by Tipsy: What would you as an individual like to see included in a Drug Abuse advert creating awareness?
I am working on a Project Assignment on Drug Abuse for teens between 18 and 22years. i Just want to get feedback and hear your views and thoughts?

Best answer:

Answer by Spaced
someone dead with a needle stuck in their arm

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Holiday message to Alexandria students includes warning about drug use

Filed under: drug abuse help for teens

The officers ended their presentation at ASH with the most commonly abused drug, especially among teenagers — alcohol. "It's the No. 1 abused drug in America," Laborde said. They said alcohol abuse kills 6.5 times more young people than all other …
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Contest for Teens: Preventing Substance Abuse

Filed under: drug abuse help for teens

Rockwood Drug-Free Coalition staffers are hosting an "As Seen by Teens" public service announcement (PSA) and poster contest about preventing substance abuse. Entries must be submitted by Jan. 22. To be eligible, students must attend school or live in …
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The top 8 parenting controversies of 2012

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Tapping into his inner sleazy used-car salesman, he procured a young woman to partially disrobe and help make his old vehicle look hot. The problem? That scantily clad woman is his 20-year-old daughter, Lexxa. Ridley says he doesn't … Does giving …
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