Testament of Our Soldiers


Testament of Our Soldiers – ***WARNING: The song used, “Testament of a Soldier” by 4th25 uses strong language to convey our military’s frustration and anguish with the American people’s views on their service to this country by fighting in our war on terror. If strong language is offensive, please do not view.*** ***Disclaimer: I am not associated with the IAVA in any way besides being a receiver of their newsletters, a petition signer, and a donator. I use them as a reference at the end for anyone who would like to help the plight of our veterans. They make no affiliation with a political party OR an official view of why we should or shouldn’t be in Iraq or Afghanistan. They exist simply to help our veterans and to push for legislation for better care for our veterans.*** Some realities about our combat veterans and what they face and how you can help. www.IAVA.org Traumatic Brain Injury, suicide, depression, alcohol and drug abuse and lack of timely health care are some serious issues our soldiers returning from war face. They have given of themselves and sacrificed without question. It is time we, as a nation, come together to show our appreciation. “Support Our Troops” is more than a cute yellow bumper sticker to wear on your car. WARNING Any disrespectful comments that degrade or disgrace our soldiers will be promptly removed and you will be blocked.


Year in Review: Most Viral Student Media of 2012

Filed under: drug abuse help for veterans

On a Saturday evening in late January, the online student news outlet at Penn State University reported Paterno — the school's legendary football coach who had become increasingly ensnared within the Sandusky sex abuse scandal — had succumbed to lung …
Read more on PBS MediaShift


Veterans district court starts today in Monroe County

Filed under: drug abuse help for veterans

These veterans stand out as a specific demographic among people accused of crimes, yet Monroe County has no treatment programs geared specifically to members of this demographic to help curb criminal behavior. … The Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center …
Read more on Pocono Record