Drug Free Kids – a Parents Guide Pt. 1


Drug Free Kids – A Parents Guide Pt. 1 – Ken Howard hosts a series of role-playing vignettes (featuring some of Hollywood’s top stars) to help parents and children deal with typical family situations involving the use of illegal drugs. Pt.1 of 8


Religion: Allow Jesus back in schools

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

In the Three Village School District, many meetings were held by the school board's Drug Advisory Council, comprised of many parents. The goal of those meetings was to share the results of the Teen Challenge Program in New York City. The program has a …
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Seagal training posse draws criticism from protesters

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

Seagal is also cooperating with other law enforcement agencies in border states like Texas and New Mexico, where, he focuses primarily on the threat posed by drug cartels. After the attack on Sandy Hook in Newtown, in which twenty children were killed …
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Abuse of prescription attention-deficit disorder medications on the rise

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

Emergency-room visits for misuse of hyperactivity drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin have more than doubled in five years, with young adult abuse growing even faster, according to a new federal report. Diagnosing and treating ADHD Dr. Emanuel Cirenza …
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