Residential Psychiatric Treatment for Young Adults in New England?

Question by CQ: Residential psychiatric treatment for young adults in New England?
Treatment needed for an 18 year old suicidal girl with PTSD, anorexia/bulimia, drug and alcohol abuse, self-harm, depression, severe anxiety, and possibly borderline personality disorder.
Any suggestions of centers or hospitals in the Northeast, preferably in Massachusetts but not necessarily?
Thank you SO MUCH.
Yes, this is one girl, and she HAS been diagnosed with all of these things. The “possible BPD” is because one doctor thinks she has it and one thinks she doesn’t.

Best answer:

Answer by Dancie
you’re going to need a lot of separate treatment places for so many different people… oh wait, just one girl? First, stop self-diagnosing a condition you know nothing about, and go to a REAL psychologist. They will determine whether you need residential treatment, and where is best for you to go. It isn’t a spa, you dn’t exactly just show up with a robe and sunscreen.

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