Will They Send a Mentally Ill Person Who Committed Burglary to Jail?

Question by Sloanfesta: Will they send a mentally ill person who committed burglary to jail?
I took my homeless, mentally ill friend to a homeless shelter. He was kicked out of his apartment for erratic behavior. He left the shelter and wandered off, and committed burglary.

Will he be sent to jail for this if it can be proven he is mentally ill? He lived at a mental hospital for several years before. After release, he went off medication.

If he is proven to be mentally ill, will they send him to live at a county mental hospital that has been paid for or would they simply release him? He is in Los Angeles, CA.

Best answer:

Answer by Brian C
They will probably be sent to a hopital for it thats a prision.

In phoenix we have one, its Arizona State Prison Complex – Phoenix. All the crazies go there, people that eat their skin, eat their poop, that scream, cry, scratch their nails off…its an awful place. But yes, people that commit crimes go to prison still.

Edit: sorry, its the “arizona state hospital” next door..but they share the same grounds. its still on prison property. ASPC Phoenix..

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Malibu, California-Based Teen Drug Treatment Program Paradigm Malibu

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