Can Anyone Please Tell Me What Heroin Detox Is?

Question by delaney v: Can anyone please tell me what heroin detox is?
I’ve heard my parents talking to each other about this. It seems as if one of my cousins will go through this sometime soon. I just got curious, since I’ve always heard of drug rehabs and treatment centers, but this is the first time I’ve heard of detox.

Best answer:

Answer by aja b
Heroin detox is oftentimes the first step in a drug treatment program. It detoxifies the body. This means that it cleanses out remains of the drug and makes sure that the body is restored back to its healthy state. The managing of one’s diet is also a part of detoxification.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


From Twitter:

teens are being kidnapped at the behest of their parents and taken to abusive and exploitative “drug rehab centers” – by wcserf (winstin ? smith)


From Twitter:

Teens Are Being Trapped in Abusive ‘Drug Rehab Centers‘ | VICE United States via @VICE – by Bruhuhuhu (Hu Tsun Hao)


From Twitter:

Thousands of American teens are trapped in abusive cult-like drug rehab centers – by NinjaasDotCom (