Drug Addiction – 1951 Drug Abuse & Social Guidance / Educational Documentary


Drug Addiction – 1951 Drug Abuse & Social Guidance / Educational Documentary – The following movie synopsis courtesy the Prelinger Archives. The movie can also be downloaded from the archives at http://archive.org/details/DrugAddi1951 M…


Drug Addicts, Dealers Are 'Doctor Shopping' for Pain Pills

Filed under: drug addiction articles

WEDNESDAY, July 17 (HealthDay News) — One of every 50 prescriptions for addictive prescription painkillers in the United States is filled for so-called “doctor shoppers” who obtain the drugs for recreational use or resale on the street, a new study finds.
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Drug Abuse Is Major Threat to Street Kids

Filed under: drug addiction articles

There are millions of children around the world living or working on the streets. A new study says their struggle to survive is made even harder by high levels of drug use. The journal Addiction has published a systematic review of 50 studies on street …
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