Will Your Parents Have Their Medications Rationed by Obama Care?

Question by Taylor: Will your parents have their medications rationed by Obama Care?
Rationing Begins: States Limiting Drug Prescriptions for Medicaid Patients

Medicaid is a federal program that is carried out in partnership with state governments. It forms an important element of President Barack Obama’s health-care plan because under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act–AKA Obamcare–a larger number of people will be covered by Medicaid, as the income cap is raised for the program.

In Alabama, Medicaid patients are now limited to one brand-name drug

llinois has limited Medicaid patients to just four prescription drugs as a cost-cutting move, and patients who need more than four must get permission from the state.

Arkansas, California, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia have all placed caps on the number of prescription drugs Medicaid patients can get.


What do you think will happen when states want to cut back on the amount of money they are spending on procedures?

Best answer:


As a parent with medical issues, I can attest to the fact that they already have been cut back severely

Suffice it to say that an on the job injury left me with permanent disabilities requiring ongoing medical treatment and home medical supplies which I use daily

Until approximately 6-9 months ago I received a case of 48 medical supplies monthly

I have not been cutback from 48 to 4 medical supplies monthly and have been instructed towash & re-use sterile medical supplies that were previously disposable

I have already wound up in the ER and admitted as an inpatient for 5 days which cost a thousand times what the maintenance medical upplies did

And…that is only the beginning…….

Despite a RX and report from my Physician……..my Physical Therapy was terminated over 9 weeks

It is being re-instated again but the most insane part is that I am now required to return to my Physician every 6 weeks in order to get re-approved for medical care, supplies or treatment

Care to guess who is paying for my required monthly medical visits ?

You guessed it……The Government

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Answers in Addiction – Faith-based Addiction Recovery – Answers in Addiction – Faith-based Addiction Recovery.


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