How Will I Get to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Cuero, Texas?

Question by alexandrea cc: How will I get to find addiction treatment centers in Cuero, Texas?
I need more information regarding drug and alcohol addicts and I figured it would be best to get this at treatment centers. This is for a project in one of my classes.Any suggestions how I can find a few?

Best answer:

Answer by darby s
You can always search through yahoo or google for information, but if you’re bent on getting info from treatment centers, look through the local yellow pages. That would be sure to yield a few results. You can also use the links that I have included below. Good luck! I hope you get a high grade on that project!

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Mini-stroke a warning for Texans coach

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"I use transient ischemic attack and stroke interchangeably because they're both the same pathological process, they're both strokes," said Dr. James Grotta, chairman of neurology at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. … Dr. John Volpi …
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