Are There Any Rehabs for Young Adults That Offer Any Financial Assistance?
Question by [email protected]: Are there any rehabs for young adults that offer any financial assistance?
My nephew has an overwhelming addiction to certain horrific drugs, his parents & family are financially tapped, is there any help out there to save this young mans life?
I need to add that this young man is more than willing to get help, but no one in the family (or courts) had the money.
Best answer:
Answer by Mr. Num Num
I can guarentee you that unless the child comes to the decision on his own to get help, no amount of rehab forced upon him will stop his addiction, free or not.
Answer by banananose_89117
Rehab requires the person’s active and desired involvement. If that is the case, he has to go to a local mental health program funded by country or State money, where treatment is based on a sliding scale.
The best thing the parents, and you, can do is called “tough love.” That means you let the person hit rock bottom with no supposed of any kind, i.e., financial, emotional, housing, etc. Unfortunately that could be a disasterous thing for your nephew but until he sees the path in his life and desires to honestly and long-term make changes, you are “spitting in the wind” and enabling his bad habits and lifestyle.
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