I have a very dear friend/family member. She has recently told me she has stage 4 lupus. I’ve done my research and from what she has told me (she cant get pregnant) and from that I believe she has APS from SLE. I also know lupus isnt classified in stages its by class. She has told me very little. There is only one other person that knows and that is her husband. In my research I also discovered that class 4 or iv lupus is the only class that renal failure is common in. she also has multiple medical degrees (not exactly sure what in) and she has been in the medical field for 24 years. So she knows plenty about her disease. She hasnt told me much because she dosent want me or anyone to worry about her. Like I said im the only other person that knows aside from her husband. She is very close to me and I feel the need to know if she is more serious than she is leading anyone to believe. Please do not try to discourage me from finding out. Or telling me she’ll tell me when shes ready or its not good to medal in peoples lives. I just want to know the severity of this situation. If hypothetically she is terminal or will eventually pass from this disease please tell me approximately how long she has. Thank you in advance for your answers.

Best answer:

Answer by ??dA?g??
“The following story was written by Rosario P. who lives in Clifton, New Jersey.

In March 2004, Julisa developed a rash and after consulting several doctors, it was treated as poison ivy with topical medications. When the problem persisted, we took Julisa to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Patterson, NJ. Following many tests, including kidney DNA, she was diagnosed with stage-four lupus (end stage), and placed on immunosuppressive drugs and steroids, including prednisone, creating very difficult side effects for a teenage girl. Desperate for alternative treatments, Julisa’s mother and I searched the Internet for lupus information and found Jill Harrington’s book, The Lupus Recovery Diet. The book credits included Joel Fuhrman, M.D. and we made the first appointment in August 2004.

Dr. Fuhrman explained the benefits of natural, balanced nutrition and prescribed a completely plant-based diet to cleanse Julisa’s system. Of course, we were very skeptical that a diet could have such a drastic impact on her condition.

About the same time we took Julisa to a kidney specialist at Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, who told us that she was facing kidney dialysis and placed Julisa on the national kidney transplant list. We struggled with the options facing her and the family. On one hand, Julisa would endure a weekly routine of dialysis sessions and eventual kidney failure, if a transplant wasn’t found. On the other hand, she (and the family) would have to completely change eating habits — no more pizza or cheeseburgers — to comply with Dr. Fuhrman’s program, and we weren’t sure it was going to work.

Under Dr. Fuhrman’s care, we finally decided to stop all Julisa’s medications and treat her lupus with a plant-based diet. April 2005 testing revealed absolutely no trace of lupus in Julisa’s system. Her kidney function has improved dramatically and continues to return to full function. Julisa recently celebrated her “Sweet Sixteen,” with a healthy future and junior year in high school ahead of her. We all take every opportunity to tell other lupus patients and anyone we know about the miraculous results obtained from Dr. Fuhrman’s nutritional approach. We are so very grateful to Dr. Fuhrman.”

Julisa’s Excellent Diet Defeats Lupus:

The Lupus Recovery Diet:

Answer by Linda R
You are right. Lupus itself does not have stages. There are 6 World Health Organization classes of lupus nephritis, with one being no disease at al. The only way to know is through a kidney biopsy. There are stages within each class. Some are more treatable than others. Without knowing which one, it is impossible to guess about the prognosis. Mine was quite serious and is now in remission 8 years later. As for the APS, that can be determined by a simple blood test. Just because she was in the medical field does not mean she knows a lot about lupus. Many doctors don’t know a lot about lupus.

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