Any Drug Rehabs in Bellflower, California, That Administer Buprenorphine?
Question by ani s: Any drug rehabs in Bellflower, California, that administer buprenorphine?
My cousin is going to get herself treated for her heroin addiction and I want to suggest that she get treated with buprenorphine instead of methadone.
Best answer:
Answer by annelise LD
The links below will help you in finding drug rehabs. I think it would be best, though, to get your cousin to a doctor first. The doctor will know what kind of medication will be right for her. He will also tell her what kind of treatment program will be best for her and which rehab will be able to provide her with that kind of program. I do hope she gets treated soon.
Answer by James R
I dont blame you for not wanting her to be detoxed with methadone. I was treated at bradford. They do detox with buprenorphine. Go to or look in the phone book. They are nation wide, and have a awesome programe.
Good luck
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