Are There Any Drug Rehabs in Rainelle, West Virginia?
by cliff1066™
Question by chandler: Are there any drug rehabs in Rainelle, West Virginia?
Hi there! I’m looking for a list of drug rehabs or drug treatment centers in Rainelle, West Virginia. I’m on my way there right now for a vacation when I suddenly received a call from my boss, asking me to look for drug rehabs in Rainelle. I have no idea where to find one and I guess I can’t ask this question to my boss because he’s going to kill me so there. Please help me find a drug rehab here in Rainelle, West Virginia. Thank you so much.
Best answer:
Answer by jo
I thought you were on vacation? Working while on vacation…. you should consider yourself a workaholic then! Anyway, I don’t know why your boss asked you to find drug rehabs in Rainelle but hey, I’m here to help. Visit the links I put in my source box to find a list of rehabs in West Virginia. Good luck with your drug rehab search and I hope you still manage to find some time to rest and enjoy your vacation.
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