Cocaine Addiction?

Question by Kristen: cocaine addiction?
ok after months of denial i’ve come to admit that i have an addiction to cocaine. i’ve tried stopping by myself but the withdrawals just get so bad to the point where i break down and cry and end up having a huge binge. it’s terrible.. i don’t want to stop, i NEED to. i can’t even seem to function without it. i can’t ask help from my parents for numerous reasons. i’ve also already gotten caught for it and i lied and said it was a one-time thing. i’ve just dug myself into the biggest hole. i really would not appreciate a lecture on substance abuse, considering it’s a little late for that. i need ideas on how to conquer this, or at least settle it down for the moment because it’s starting to get really out of hand.. going to a rehab or counseling is out of the question. it also doesn’t help much that my boyfriend is extremely caught up in recreational drugs.. so the temptation is always there. i need help and fast because i can’t live like this anymore. what can i do on my own?
the thing with the whole rehab and parents thing is that when they first found out about me doing coke, i lied to them and said i only did it once. and they said if you seriously have a problem you have to tell us now because if we find out your lying, we’re not helping you. and at the time i just thought this was gonna be a fun run and i would never need help but this has just turned out to be so much worse than i ever could’ve imagined. and i’m terribly embarrassed to say how young i am, but i’m 16, i can’t drive, if i tell my parents, not only would they flip out, they would seriously disown me.. we don’t have a very good relationship, and i just don’t know how i can get help with all these hindrances which is why i wanted to try on my own. but all of you are right, i can’t do it. i just don’t know what to do

by the way all your comments are extremely appreciated.. thank you all so much

Best answer:

Answer by Wanderer
See a doctor about getting some medication to help with the withdrawal symptoms. It may help. Good Luck.

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Overcoming memories that trigger cocaine relapse

Filed under: cocaine addiction help

Abuse is maintained, in part, through exposure to environmental cues that trigger cocaine-related memories which lead to craving and relapse in recovering addicts. Currently, exposure therapy is used to help recovering addicts suppress their drug …
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