Criminal Lawyer Explains Probation Pursuant to DC Code 48-904.01(e)


Criminal Lawyer explains probation pursuant to DC Code 48-904.01(e) – Probation under DC Code 48-904.01e Transcript: Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. My name is Mark Rollins. I’m an attorney here in Washington, DC. I am licensed in the state of Maryland, as well as in the District of Columbia. My office is located here in the District of Columbia. Today I want to just talk to you about probation pursuant to 48-904.01(e) and what that means. If you’re charged with any type of possession of drug in DC and you’ve not been convicted in any other jurisdiction in the country then you are eligible for probation under 48-904.01(e). I know it’s a long word in the DC code and basically all it says is that, again if you’ve not been convicted of any other prior drug offences the court, with its discretion, can order that you serve your probation under those terms. Essentially the terms are that you must be convicted of a possession offence. It cannot be possession with intent to distribute any drug. It cannot be distribution. It must be just possession of that drug. The probation must be under one year. You must complete any conditions set by the court. Typically the court says drug testing and treatment as deemed necessary by probation. If there’s a drug issue, but you complete the treatment program, as provided by your probation officer, then upon lapse of that one year your record will be expunged. The beauty to 48-904.01(e) probation, as opposed to other diversion options, is that the entire record is expunged from the


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