Dennis Rodman Checks Into Alcohol Rehab After N. Korea Trip

Dennis Rodman checks into alcohol rehab after N. Korea trip — Former basketball star Dennis Rodman has checked into an alcohol-rehabilitation center after facing backlash for his visit to North Korea. “He has been in re…

ISSUE 84: Spinning Steel Into Gold
I had nothing to guide me but an address written on the back of a drug-store receipt. Extracting …. Just as steel was taking hold in the swing ballrooms of Bakersfield, California, African-American players were integrating steel into worship in …
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County judge wants drug rehab at jail
MEDINA — Medina County Common Pleas Judge James L. Kimbler wants the county to reopen the east pod of the jail to serve as a short-term rehab facility for drug offenders with opiate and heroin addictions. Kimbler presented the proposal to the county …
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