Does Drug Addiction Run in Your Family?
Question by : Does Drug Addiction Run In Your Family?
Hey all, I was sitting here wondering about drug and alcohol addicted people and their children. They say that if your parent’s are/were addicts than you are considerably more likely to become one as well.
Do you guys agree?
Do you have anyone in your family that is/was addicted to something? Do you think it made you or someone else in your family become an addict, too, just by being related?
In my family it turns out that it was true for us. Lot’s of alcoholics in my family, and it sort of passed down through the ages.
Best answer:
Answer by Michael
I don’t think it’s necessarily genetic, I think there is some research to show that those who come from alcoholic/drug using families my be more likely to do them themselves but I believe there are other causes. I think susceptibility to becoming addicted can run in a family. However, I think the greatest cause would be growing up in an environment that exposes the individual to such an act (i.e. drugs, alcohol) For example, if you are a kid and all the adults are drinking around you, I believe you are more likely to try it for yourself. Also, if drugs or alcohol are consumed during pregnancy, the child can become addicted at birth.
Answer by gun:0
Of course, it could be hereditary, but sometimes it does not have to do with it if a person is drug addict.There is 50 percent change it was caused by an hereditary issue.
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