Drug Abuse Pictures Before and After


Drug abuse pictures before and after – So sad how can people do this to themselves


Synthetic Pot Sends Thousands to Hospital

Filed under: drug abuse warning network

The Drug Abuse Warning Network says drugs like Spice and K2, marketed as legal, fake pot and labeled as herbal incense, are sending teenagers and young adults to emergency rooms around the country. In 59% of the cases, doctors found no other …
Read more on CIO Today


Study: Synthetic drugs most used by teens

Filed under: drug abuse warning network

That's much different than patients admitted for other illicit drugs and painkiller abuse. The report pinpoints the risk in black and white. These are the first facts we've seen as compiled from 2010 data by the federal government's Drug Abuse Warning …
Read more on MyFox Tampa Bay


Synthetic Pot Dangers: Side Effects Send Thousands of Teens to ER

Filed under: drug abuse warning network

In 2010, synthetic pot sent 11,406 people (mostly teenagers and young adults to the hospital, according to the Drug Abuse Warning Network. This report, the first one on synthetic pot, examines the impacts that the drug has on society. Synthetic pot …
Read more on Decoded Science


From Twitter:

RT @thencja: 11,000+ people ended up in the ER due to synthetic marijuana in 2010 according to report from Drug Abuse Warning Network…. – by ProfBushHCC (Professor Bush)


From Twitter:

11,000+ people ended up in the ER due to synthetic marijuana in 2010 according to report from Drug Abuse Warning Network…. – by thencja (The NCJA)


From Twitter:

The new report, from the federal government’s Drug Abuse Warning Network, is the first to analyze the impact of… http://t.co/0moCPYf5 – by carly_averill (Carly Averill)