Drug Addiction? Advice?
Question by Josh: Drug addiction? Advice?
I have been doing pills for about almost 2 years now. Painkillers to be exact but not everyday like 2 days a week sometimes 4. And then my senior year I went thru xanax & kolopin pretty bad. I ended up falling hard into cocaine for about a month and haven’t done it ever since. I’m gonna be starting probation in about a month I’m scared I don’t think I’m addicted but the longest I ever went was like 18 days straight without anything. I need advice idk what to do
Best answer:
Answer by Gabe
Check into AA. It might sound crazy but drug addicts go there too. You get a buddy partner that you can call and set something up whenever you feel like relapsing. Doesn’t matter what day or night, they are there for you so you can go do something ot get your mind off the drugs. Good luck.
Answer by Gamma
Smoke pot like a normal person.
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