So I’m tryin to write a song for drug abusers- can u give me some insight as to how u feel when u use, how u feel AFTER, just anything that I could use would be helpful! Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Michelle W
it’s an escape when you have stress but it only is fogged out the issues never go away when you come down reality hits the issues are bigger . it used to be something that made you smile and be all excited now its a strait face and nothing is funny and you cant wait for a change ,but nothing changes cause nothing is being done different. your relationship follows in the same way it used to be all good . now its a jealously thing and lack of attention which leads to low self esteem and depression so you do more drugs to try to cover all that up. really you are just waiting for that one day you or your partner gets fed up and does something about the unhappiness but by that time the only move made is leaving and never returning ,not even as friends drugs what a sad thing . they rob your future from your happiness for happiness all the time . till one day your not happy any more and it takes along time to get that back…. stay clean drugs will only get you jail probation prison graveyard. r.i.p jimmy d. jones that’s my daughter’s daddy who was robbed and shot and killed due to drugs when my daughter was 5 years old

Answer by Taylorr
I feel like the world just stops. Like theres nothing that can hurt me and my emotions. But then reality comes, and the suicidal thoughts come back, and all the emotional hurt comes back, and then i need to use again.

Police operation in Plymouth clubland to target drug users and dealers
The Herald has learned that on two separate nights in the same week officer caught the same woman in possession of drugs. In addition to being dealt with by police, she has also been referred to a partner agency to help her with addiction issues.
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County joins resolution against legalized pot
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