Drug Rehab Programs?

Question by MrSandman: Drug rehab programs?
Can you tell me if drug rehab programs are successful in the UK and what is the cost per week to the taxpayer or addict to receive treatment? I understand that the costs might be astronomical and unaffordable for your average person suffering from a drug addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Javaris
dude fukk rehab..keep smokin dat shizz

Answer by ChooseHelp.com
Hi Sanjuro,

I can’t give you a specific answer about the situation in the UK. However, I am almost certain that the treatment programs and methods available in Europe are very similar to those in the USA. The effectiveness off a program largely depends on their willingness to quit the habit and submit themselves to counseling.

You asked about costs, too. I work for some very luxurious rehab clinics in Florida and California (I added a link to our centers below… take a look, you will see that this type of treatment is top-notch — yet, 90% of our patients have their medical insurance cover their rehab stay). The regular residential program lasts for 28 days. Just double-check your policy and if necessary modify your cover.

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