Food Addiction and Alcoholism Help


Food Addiction and Alcoholism Help – Food addiction and alcoholism has similar characteristics. There is help for both. Talk by Nancy Koncilja Gurish that there is help and hope for alcoholism a…


Dealing with an addiction in the office down the hall

Filed under: addiction help

Most addicts who internalize their demons are afraid to seek treatment because of the embarrassment or shame they could experience if the problems came to light, he says. Canada's legal community, unlike some segments of society, doesn't ignore …
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After overcoming addictions, man helps others

Filed under: addiction help

Feld, who has a Master's degree in social work, uses his experiences of addiction and sobriety to help other addicts and their families. "When I have somebody come to me as an addict, I know what they are feeling," he said. "There's a real …
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