Have You Ever Wonder if the US Government Have Kept Sercets From the Rest of the World?

Question by Asking a question: Have you ever wonder if the US Government have kept sercets from the rest of the world?
Well, l’m just wondering if they are keeping secrets and is so, l would love to know what they are secrets they are keeping from us and why.

Best answer:

Answer by bittermeds
Bush’s presidency is all about secrets.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Wednesday's Sports Transactions

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE-Suspended Milwaukee RHP Dylan Brock 50 games for a violation of the Minor League Drug Prevention and Treatment Program. HOUSTON ASTROS-Selected 1B Jon Singleton to the major league 40-man roster. Claimed LHP …
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Ex-convicts finding a roadmap to lasting freedom

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

Johnson illustrates a trend in the Maryland corrections system — fewer ex-cons are returning to prison as repeat offenders. The state's … The challenge for many ex-offenders, job counselors and substance abuse treatment providers repeatedly tell …
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