Heroin Addiction Ripped My Family Apart – a Narconon Trois-Rivieres Recovery


Heroin Addiction Ripped my Family Apart – a Narconon Trois-Rivieres Recovery – Heroin addiction real life testimony of Narconon Trois-Rivieres recovery: Sabrina started using drugs and heroin at a very young age and would later run away from home. “I hated my sister” used to say the addict. Desperate not to give up on their daughter, Sabrinas parents were continually doing what they could to find her. The police would come by her house on a regular basis looking for an updated picture or to say they have found her. Originally from Montreal, Sabrina ran away from everything, and found her self in Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver, using drugs, shooting heroin while being homeless. Gripping testimony from two sisters finally reunited after 7 years after Sabrina completed the Narconon Trois-Rivieres program. Heroin addiction plagues to many of our youths and young adults today, Sabrina was lucky enough to put an end to her heroin addiction in years 2000 with the help of the Narconon Addiction Treatment Center that is now located in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada.


Prop 35, Youth, Sex Trade and Sex Trafficking-Interview with Alexandra Lutnick

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000

Prior to that her work had largely been with adults who work in the sex industry, conducting a 5 year study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse with UCSF, the University of California San Francisco and St. James Infirmary, a peer run …
Read more on Bay Area Indymedia


Dan Smalls knows how to present a show

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000

How did you get to where you are now, where you can bring in top-notch acts? The growth has happened in three ways. The first is good word of mouth. Artists talk about things with each other and they tell their agents to call you. The second is artist …
Read more on Syracuse.com (blog)


From Twitter:

What Is Suboxone? – Under the Drug Addiction Treatment Act (DATA) of 2000, Suboxone became the first narcotic… http://t.co/nlhejgap – by AmbrosiaTC (Ambrosia)