How Can I Help My Friend Who Is Already Dependent Into Drugs?

Question by Adrian Cage: How can I help my friend who is already dependent into drugs?
I think he has prescription drugs addiction and he is also an alcohol addict. Is there a way for him to recover from these problems?

Best answer:

Answer by Christie Stephanie
Both prescription drugs and alcohol addiction can be serious and deadly diseases because it destroys the ones health and wellness. I advise that your friend has to undergo a dual diagnosis treatment which I believe takes a long term to finally overcome those addictions.

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Addicted to prescription drugs? There's a prescription drug for that

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A new prescription drug intended to combat prescription drug addiction is currently in clinical trials, and an ambitious pharmaceutical company is hoping to push the drug into the U.S. marketplace, where it could have billion-dollar potential. An …
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Heroin overdose deaths on the rise, Maryland report says

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Wilson Compton, director of the Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, said the move from prescription drugs to heroin seems to be occurring in suburbs across the country. "It's rare that …
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RT @Bad_Acid_: ask your doctor if a crippling prescription drug addiction is right for you – by macamandaruth (Amanda Mac )


From Twitter:

RT @Bad_Acid_: ask your doctor if a crippling prescription drug addiction is right for you – by skeens2 (kristin)


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Prescription Drug Addiction a Major Public Health Crisis in Canada: In Canada, overdose dea… #Epochtimes #Opinion – by divinecultures (Divine Cultures)