How Can I Stop a Marijuana Addiction?

Question by Drop Dead Deanna: How can I stop a marijuana addiction?
Can someone give me some tips on how to stop my marijuana addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Thomas R
Try cigarettes?

Add your own answer in the comments!



Is Weed Addictive – Am I Addicted To Weed? – Is weed addictive? Am I addicted to weed? Yes, you can be. Ask yourself the following twelve questions. If you answer yes to any one of them, chances are, you are addicted. 1. Has smoking pot stopped being fun? 2. Do you ever get high alone? 3. Is it hard for you to imagine a life without marijuana? 4. Do you find that your friends are determined by your marijuana use? 5. Do you smoke marijuana to avoid dealing with your problems? 6. Do you smoke pot to cope with your feelings? 7. Does your marijuana use let you live in a privately defined world? 8. Have you ever failed to keep promises you made about cutting down or controlling your dope smoking? 9. Has your use of marijuana caused problems with memory, concentration, or motivation? 10. When your stash is nearly empty, do you feel anxious or worried about how to get more? 11. Do you plan your life around your marijuana use? 12. Have friends or relatives ever complained that your pot smoking is damaging your relationship with them? For moral support and help in quitting weed, join this supportive yahoo forum. It’s run by Joe, a former addict. Below is what one long term weed user told me about her struggle with weed. “Once I stopped smoking pot I did not realize how damaged my memory was. I had to have a psychological evaluation because I could not remember how to speak Spanish from one class to the next. I was told I had a disability in my memory as a direct result of my drinking and


The Implication

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

More and more states are tolerating some level of marijuana possession, but that is not enough. All drugs need to be … Medical help is not easily sought and received for drug addicts, except those who can afford the expense of rehab centers. For …
Read more on The Gustavian Weekly (blog)


Feds file charges of trafficking, laundering

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

Marshall Butler, 33, is also named in three counts of the indictment – charging him alongside Fabini with conspiracy to distribute more than 1,000 kilograms of marijuana from September 2007 to December 2012, and two counts of maintaining a place for …
Read more on Fort Wayne Journal Gazette


Area heroin deaths double in 2012

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

“You used to see the marijuana and the occasional crack and pills and stuff like that, but now it's heroin, heroin, heroin, heroin.” Numbers tell part of the story. The Ohio State … The number of drug overdose deaths involving heroin seen by the …
Read more on Dayton Daily News