How Did You React to the News When You Were Diagnosed With a Handicapping Disease?

drug treatment news stories
by timtak

Question by ademaplanets3: how did you react to the news when you were diagnosed with a handicapping disease?
how did you react to the news when you were diagnosed with a handicapping disease? just need some voices for my essay.

Best answer:

Answer by redd headd
It was kind of shocking like a punch in the belly. you never expect the worst, but when you get it I felt cold inside.

Answer by common sense
i went through the 5 stages of grieving at a very young age– denial, anger, depression, bargaining w/God, and then acceptance.

Attending a local support chapter really helped me get through the rough times b/c I was able to meet others in the same situation & I was able to swap war stories, find out the best MDs in the area, who to avoid, plus I was able to meet with the drug reps, dieticians, & MDs at educational mtgs.

I felt at home being among others who never accused me of eating something that caused my flare up, or claimed stress as the cause of my Crohn’s when in reality it aggravates the symptoms. The only stress I’d get were from ignorant family members and friends who’ve told me many times over I need to chill even though I’ve given them proof they were wrong but yet they don’t think.

I have learned a lot about myself from my illness and now I give back to the community by being active in the organizations that have helped me over the 29 yrs. It makes me happy knowing that I can reassure a parent of a young child or an older person newly dxed that there is hope w/the newer treatments as well educational materials available to assist others.

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