How Do Cancer Treatments Affect the Cell Cycle?
by Esthr
Question by behappyx3: How do cancer treatments affect the cell cycle?
Also, what are the side affects of treatment?
Please answer! Thank youu 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by nytrainop
different drugs interupt different parts of the cell cycle, leading to cell death. (unfortunately not just cancer cells, hence neutropenia, hair loss, nausea, vomit etc). It all depends on the drug as to which part of the cycle it interupts.
Side effects also vary with the drug as well as the person. What may almost kill me may only give you a headache.
The common side effects though are nausea (#1), vomit, diarrhea and/or constipation, fatigue (#2), head aches etc. Most also get hair loss, although not all do.
Once again, depends on the drug.
The good news is there are drugs to control or even eliminate most side effects. Especially nausea. If you medicate yourself smartly, like before treatment and before symptoms develop, you can sometimes avoid all nausea.
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