How Drug Addiction Is Destroying Redwood Forests

How drug addiction is destroying redwood forests
Authorities say unemployment and drug addiction have spurred an increase in the destructive practice of cutting off the knobby growths at the base of ancient redwood trees to make decorative pieces like lacey-grained coffee tables and wall clocks.
drug addiction – Bing News

Daughter’s struggles drive lawmaker’s fight for laws on prescription drug abuse
For Doris Goodale’s grown daughter, drug addiction didn’t begin with a party and a syringe. It was a doctor and a pill. When Stephanie Goodale suffered from severe kidney issues, the doctor gave her an extended prescription to opioid pain …
drug addiction – Bing News

Born Addicted: Treating Drug-Dependent Babies — Hospitals in Florida and elsewhere are grappling with the latest fallout from the epidemic of prescription-drug abuse: babies born addicted to painkillers. T…

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