How Long Does It Take to Get TB Sputum Test Results?
Question by jag: how long does it take to get TB sputum test results?
Best answer:
Answer by norton g
jag – Tb sputum tests can be done within 2 days. A new test developed and approved this past month is much faster, but may not be in your local lab. The World Health Organization (WHO) endorsed on December 8, 2010 a new rapid and automated molecular test that can detect tuberculosis (TB) in less than two hours. The test can accurately diagnose TB and determine if it is resistant to rifampin, the most common drug treatment for TB. The endorsement came after 18 months of field testing in countries with high rates of TB, including drug-resistant cases and TB associated with HIV infection.
WHO believes the test could revolutionize TB care because the test provides results while the patient waits and therefore has the potential for directing appropriate, immediate treatment and preventing spread of the disease. Dr. Mario Raviglione, Director of WHO’s Stop TB Department, said in the December 8th news release: “This new test represents a major milestone for global TB diagnosis and care.” TB remains a worldwide problem but especially so in countries in southeast Asia and Africa.
Benefits of the new rapid test are that it is fully automated, safe to perform, and easy to use. Cost, however, remains a key concern. WHO plans to release guidance and recommendations to help countries incorporate this test in their TB programs.
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