How Many People Have Drug Addicts in Their Families That Just Can’t Stop Using Drugs?
Question by alexus: how many people have drug addicts in their families that just can’t stop using drugs?
It seems to me that there are a lot of addicts that try so hard to stay clean but find ourselves failing miserably. I am one of them nd I keep trying to stop and doing everything im told to do I make it like 3 months and BANG right back in nd at rock bottom again. Sometimes I honestly think that there are two types of people, those who are meant to make it nd those who don’t. Im lost nd need some advice outside my family and friends because they just make me want to use more than anything and I no its killing them I really do and that hurts like hell but I don’t no any other way to live im only 29 ive been an addict my whole life seriously ive been using since im 15. Any advice would help at this point and please don’t be afraid that be brutally honest…
Best answer:
Answer by Bob B
A few things that might be of use to you:
There are absolutely a lot of people who struggle with drug addiction, including a lot who want to quit but are having difficulty in doing so. However, there are plenty of ways to get help.
* If possible, seeing a doctor may be useful. There are quite a few medical treatments that are useful to help beat addiction, and a lot of people benefit from them. Some doctors specialise in this area these days.
* There are other groups around that can help as well, some of them for little or no cost. A lot of places have government services or websites that can direct you to services to help quit. There are quite a few private ones around as well. Either way, search online to see if there’s anything in your area.
It’s worth mentioning that some people can just quit and not have many worries, but plenty of others have a lot of trouble with at- fortunately, though, there are other approaches. It can also help to seek advice from people other than friends/family in some situations- sometimes getting help from somewhere not so close to home is easier.
Answer by Black
junkies never learn.
sucks to be you.
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