How Much of a Role Does Drug & Alcohol Abuse by Parents Play in Developing Addiction in Children?
Question by Shawn: How much of a role does drug & alcohol abuse by parents play in developing addiction in children?
F.e – If both of your parents were heavily into drugs and alcohol ( mother smoked and did cocaine while pregnant) how does this affect their offspring in developing addictions (whether it be drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. Also, on the fathers side – his father was heavily addicted to alcohol at one point. As well as the mother on his mothers side being addicted to alcohol. Deep down I know the answer but I guess I am looking for someone to put this into perspective a bit. I also don’t know exactly how much more likely this would be (marginally or exponentially) Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Jason R
Spending time with drug-users will make you a drug-user being in a drug-using family means more time with drug-users. Being the fetus in a drug-using pregnancy is still doing drugs. It may be morally different for the fetus but aside from that it’s identical.
Anyone in a situation like this needs help. Three sources of help spring to mind: Alcoholics Anonymous, Child Protective Services, and God. Each of them has their own ways of helping and each has their own strengths. I recommend reaching out to each of them.
Answer by Awake Sage & Author Omid Mankoo
i can speak of the sex part of your question. sexual addcition occurs mostly because of the mental intrigue associated with a behavior which is thought of as odd but pleasurable,. thus the contrasts intrigues the mind and the individual is caught in a web of never ending oddities of sexual pleasure. there is a solution for it of course. it is understanding clearly what is happening. understanding how the mind works, and learning how to break the mind free from those influence with some techniques. one has to practice and prefect freeing the mind.
You’re fortunate to get this info which points to the solution. its for everyone. So, a. Tell others the true nature of the problem, b. point them to the solution. c. Tell them to do these three steps a b & c
The true nature of the problem:
various sexual presentations are filled with numerous mind altering manipulations which impact the mind very strongly. The viewer has no chance to defend against these powerful manipulations. he is delivered a very powerful mental high, which because of the sexual subject matter he experiences as a very powerful sexual high. The book reveals the mind manipulation techniques, it explains how the mind works, and details how to free the mind from their cunning deceptions.
of course if the parents were sex addicts, the children could learn certain beaviors by modeling after heir parents, by being exposed to sexual infromtion, the overall attitudes about sex and sexual issues also could be learned by associating with the parent. meaning jut be being wround the parent .
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What Should Parents Know About the Abuse of Prescription Drugs? — Watch this video to learn surprising facts about prescription drugs that every parent needs to know.
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