How to File a Case Against a Large Group of People?

Question by BusinessFreak: How to file a case against a large group of people?
I live in Bangladesh. I know a group which is quite famous for road rage, reckless driving, hooliganism, bullying, mobbing, alcohol and drug abuse, as well as street-fighting. How do I enable society to punish these wrong-doers and provide justice. Pleas note that our country has laws, but they are not well regulated, and I need to be anonymous.

Best answer:

Answer by ladystang
if you file a case they will know it is you

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Parents tell stories of drug addiction – Three parents who lost children to drugs talk about what their children went through before they died.


Concert promoter found NOT GUILTY of negligence by hiring Conrad Murray to

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They said he turned to the drug propofol and found Murray, who was willing to buy it in bulk and administer it to him on a nightly basis even though it is not meant to be used outside operating rooms. Saying their peace: Juror Gregg Barden spoke to the …
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New Surrey Memorial Hospital facility targets mental health and substance abuse

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California Legalizes Industrial Hemp, With A Catch

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… answer</a>. Incidentally, a younger Obama <a href="—-Barack-Obama">supported marijuana decriminalization and a rethinking of the drug war</a>. …. members of …
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