I Have Depression and My Roommate Thinks I’m Nuts/ How Do I Explain My Depression to Him?

Question by aculver_87: I have depression and my roommate thinks I’m nuts/ How do I explain my depression to him?
I get agitated easily which causes tension between him and I. How do I explain depression to him so that he understands that it’s all part of having depression and not me just being a jerk?

Best answer:

Answer by madhatter
I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting lately. I don’t mean to snap at you. You see, I have depression and althought that’s not an excuse for being a jerk, I hope you’ll take it into consideration and forgive me.

Something like that, maybe?

Answer by credible_bulk
Tell him your only obligation is to pay rent and keep the common areas clean. Tell him to shut up if he doesn’t like it.

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