I Need a Good Title for My Research Paper About Prescription Drug Abuse. Any Help?

Question by billy bob: I need a good title for my research paper about Prescription Drug abuse. any help?
I have a research paper due tomarrow and i am having problems finding a good title for my paper and need some help. the topic is about Prescription Drug Abuse and i can’t use that as my title.

Best answer:

Answer by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwuxz and z
Only idiots take drugs

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Faces of Prescription Drug Abuse: Michael Donta – Ashland, Ky. father Mike Donta talks about his son Michael’s struggle with prescription drug abuse.


From Twitter:

Open database to doctors: Prescription drug abuse probably is as old as prescription drugs, but it’s pretty clear… http://t.co/q8fD3Awm – by schuylkillbuzz (Schuylkill Buzz)


From Twitter:

The Truth About Prescription Drug Abuse -Opioids and Morphine Derivatives Effects http://t.co/v95begwF – by Drug_Free_World (Drug Free World)


From Twitter:

Prescription drug abuse and how some states are dealing with it http://t.co/jqwBvpgy – by menaka1978 (harshini menaka)