I Need to Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Humble, Texas. How?

Question by divya 3xb: I need to find substance abuse treatment centers in Humble, Texas. How?
I have to do this because I’m writing a paper about prescription drug addiction. I figured it would be good to interview people who are dealing with this kind of thing on a daily basis.

Best answer:

Answer by lazerangel99
Try looking for Narcotics Anonomus in your local area and i am sure that your local police station, university, or courthouse would have that kind of information because people who normally go are forced by the law.

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Cape Region clinic offers addiction services

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

Since it opened two years ago, AMS has offered medication-assisted treatment, counseling and support for patients dealing with addiction to prescription pills, heroin and other drugs, said Richard Ruby, executive director. Ruby said a treatment …
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Drug's abuse found among housewives, even doctors

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He had been consuming the drug for around eight years. Dr Yusuf Merchant, president of Drug Abuse Information Rehabilitation and Research Centre, said, "It is a synthetic narcotic and is the second-most preferred prescription drug for abuse after codeine.
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Health officials respond to growing drug problems

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

“If you have concerns about a loved-one's use of prescription or illegal drugs be mindful that pleading, threatening, and/or shaming rarely helps…and often makes matters worse,” Mr. Winslow said. According to Mr. Winslow, there are two basic things …
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