Is It Possible?

Question by Emily.: Is it possible?
I’m fourteen and there’s someone I’m really interested in at the moment, and I have been for almost a year now. I seem to have got myself into a big mess though – because about a year ago he told me he wasn’t ready for a relationship, and I started smoking and drinking more which he doesn’t like. The thing is, I really want something with him and I can’t stop doing all the things he doesn’t like. I’ve been on ecstasy and weed for about 4 months now and frequently drink and smoke. I’m determined to give up for this guy because he really means a lot to me and he’s a close friend. I don’t know how to tell him how much he means to me (in case I get rejected again or he doesn’t feel as strongly) and I’m worried about whether or not it’s possible at my age to give up drugs without severe withdrawal symptoms?

At the moment, I’m far from being clean and I’m undergoing treatment for clinical depression. He could do so much better than me, but I don’t want to give up trying?

Best answer:

Answer by TShizzle
I think you got other things to worry about then some guy.

Answer by Gibson Les Paul
Well it’s time to quit the drugs then look your a big girl you know what your doing you are making those conscience discissons yourself. You can stop it at anytime and if it’s for a guy you like as you say in your answer then do it for him. You’ve got to remember theres no future for drug addicts I should know I used to be one myself and you don’t want to go down the road that I went through to get off them. Best of luck.

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