Is It Possible for Someone Who Doesn’t Take Drugs to Have Hallucinations?

Question by Gabriella: Is it possible for someone who doesn’t take drugs to have hallucinations?
I know that people who hallucinate usually are on drugs or is taking weird medication or something, but it it possible for a normal everyday person to hallucinate?
If so, what age do they usually start to get them?

Best answer:

Answer by Crazyoldcatlady
Yes it’s possible. People like this have a disorder called schizophrenia. It usually starts at a young age (like 4 or 5 years old) when they talk about imaginary friends. Usually the disorder isn’t diagnosed until later on though

Answer by Alice Liddell
Yes, it is entirely possible for a person to experience hallucinations. Technically, its caused by a genetic factor, so anyone carrying this enabled genetic factor is at risk of suffering a psychotic episode. When a person experiences hallucinations, he is going under what psychologically is known as a Psychotic episode. Should any other symptoms appear like delusions, flattened emotions, ect. then he or she is a prime candidate for a diagnosis of Schizophrenia.

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