Is There a Website Where I Can Help Teens With Life and Problems?

Question by Aaron: Is there a website where i can help teens with life and problems?
I really love to help ppl especially teens with life. For example depression, suicidal thoughts, abuse, drug addictions etc. Is there a website where I can help kids with these issues? I’m just wondering. Thx.

Best answer:

Answer by Abhi-destructor
Y!answers is an example itself! I have answered like 50suicide questions here so….

Besides dude, GOOGLE IT!!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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How to save a dying heart

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Although the kidney transplant was still a relatively new but successful procedure, having been developed in the early 1950s, heart transplantation was a far more difficult problem both in terms of surgical procedure and in effectively turning off a …
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In Brief | Nation & World, December 3, 2013

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WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama's new and improved health care website faces yet another test in just a couple of weeks, its biggest yet. … He had moved from job to job despite being fired at least four times over allegations of drug use and theft.
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