Is This Drug Addiction or Do I Just Like Drugs Too Much?
Question by : is this drug addiction or do i just like drugs too much?
been doing drugs since i was like 14 getting pretty cole to 20 years old now. im wondering if theres anybody out there who was or is like this. every bit of money i come across in last year or 2 has been used to buy drugs. when ever there is any thing that can get me high i can get my hands on i take it. its gotten rediculous.
last night i got hold of some money. within 20 minutes i turned that money into 8 xtc pills. i didnt used to be like this i control how much i used with anytype of drug and i did a decent job of rationing all the drugs i got ahold of so i could stay high all day and still kind of control myself. now i use what ever number of drugs i have on hand all at once.
if i have computer duster ill huff the can clean in 10 minutes, if i have 2 or 3 bottles of robotussin in front of me ill drink all 3 straight from the bottle all at once. if i have vicodin or percocets or oxy or norcos in front of me ill do how ever much i possibly can right under the overdose limit. if i pick up a quad of weed ill smoke that in one sitting, basically i do how ever much of any drugs i physically can and dont ration it all anymore.
last night i took 8 pills of xtc. i took all 8 pills (very strong pokeballs i might add) within a 5 hour period. heart was beating out of my chest and im not really sure i was concious the whole time either.
must have spent well over a thousand bucks since christmas on drugs not including what ive stollen and stuff. when im not high im making phonecalls to try and make money or to pick up. i actually dream about drugs now. its like im chasing a level of high i can never reach. been hospitalised for my mass binge use before. i mix very dangerous combos of drugs when ever i get nuff money too.
for instance 3 days ago i took 4 xtc pills, 5 grams of shrooms, and 11 percocets and few grams of weed all at once.
the only time im having fun is when im high. and when im not high im anxiously waiting to get high again. i dont do the same drug long enough to get phsyical withdrawls usually because im constantly doing different drugs or multiple drugs switching off.
i fear i might be mentally addicted now though because for one i dont have any friends i dont get high with anymore. i even steal and pinch off friends so i can get higher when they aint looking. i wish i felt more guilty about my use im kind of a robot now happy when if high and spaced out and emotionless when im not.
anybody been like this before? ive gotten more and more scetch and lost some homies from being the way i is lately. i dont know whether im like mentally addicted or whether drugs have just became my main focus in life now.. what ya think?
Best answer:
Answer by Shamz
You are mentally addicted, mental addiction is liking the a drug or well the state that the drug brings you in, so they are both related, and there’s a bit of physical addiction as well in there, your brain now after such long period of being subjected to drugs has learned to deal with it and changed the chemical balance in order to continue working properly, however seeing that drugs aren’t in the system 24/7 when they are not they then you are a lot more “down then you would’ve been normally. The only solution here is to stop for a good while and let your brain get back on track.
As an example with xtc the pill makes your brain fire out serotonin and also let’s stay in there for longer, as it works as an SSRI as well, the brain however doesn’t want to have too much serotonin as that can be fatal, so it lowers the production of it, and also after taking a xtc pill the next day you will have a been subjected to serotonin depletion and you will be depressed or a lot more sad, seeing that serotonin controls your moods.
Answer by Kynamite
well this is either addiction or a way to deal with something depressing or sad that has happened. For example when my dad died I started fighting people at school a lot; my mum took me to a psychiatrist and she said that it could just be away to deal with what happened.
not much to say really but answer this and I could help you a bit more 🙂
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