My Conversation With Jamie Lee Curtis: Drug Addiction in America

My Conversation With Jamie Lee Curtis: Drug Addiction in America
Tonight on PBS, I have an open and transparent conversation with award-winning actress and best-selling children’s author Jamie Lee Curtis. The star candidly discusses her personal struggle with addiction and her 15 years of sobriety, among other things.
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Hunger and Drug Addiction Share Similar Neural Mechanism
The researchers then scanned the brains of all mice, and determined that the same neural populations lit up in response to both situations. The findings lend additional credence to a hypothesis arguing that food and drug addiction are not that different …
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Doc: My state in addiction stranglehold
Mark Publicker Maine is in the stranglehold of just such a transitional drug addiction epidemic — it began in the late ’90s … In his State of the State Address, Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin awakened America to how heroin is corroding lives …
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Alkermes CEO on Creating a Drug to Treat Addiction
Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) –- Alkermes Chairman & CEO Richard Pops discusses treating drug addiction and the new drugs coming down the company’s pipeline with Pimm Fox on Bloomberg Television’s “Taking Stock.” (Source: Bloomberg)
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