Peeing Out Drugs?
by marsmet473a
Question by havish: Peeing out drugs?
My friend took a popular party substance that can make one very hap-E. Well anyway, we were at a rave, and had to buy tickets. He took his, and we ended up waiting in line about an hour. He started moving around all funny, but it was actually cause he really had to pee. Anyway we finally got in and the first thing he did was go to the bathroom. He said it felt great to finally let it out, although, he felt pretty much sober now.
I was wondering, is this possible? Or was there some other factor getting in the way. It just seemed weird that he was clearly on the up and up, but then after urinating he was back to baseline.
Best answer:
Answer by Nilbog Milk
Hey man, that happened to me like, 3 years ago in Los Angeles. Wait a second…NEIL?!
Answer by killerkadooogan
Both ya’ll is idiots.
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