Prop 5: Do Sick People Deserve Drug Treatment or Jail Time?


Prop 5: Do Sick People Deserve Drug Treatment or Jail Time? – Prop 5: The Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act Proposition 5 will cut state costs. The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst estimates those savings at .5 billion or more. Prop. 5 safely eases prison overcrowding by investing in drug treatment – which costs much less than prison – for youth and nonviolent offenders. Prop. 5 provides treatment with strict accountability. Prop. 5 is supported by the League of Women Voters of California, Consumer Federation of California, California Nurses Association, California Society of Addiction Medicine, California Federation of Teachers – and many others. Prop. 5 is opposed by the state prison guards’ union, which has contributed almost million for deceptive TV ads. Prison guards benefit from prison overcrowding and new prison building, but California loses. This video has been brought to you by http


MDMA, PTSD and me: Recent drug trials bring up a past life researching Ecstasy

Filed under: drug treatment news articles

20 article called “A 'Party Drug' May Help the Brain Cope With Trauma.” The Mithoefers were given leave, by the DEA, to use MDMA experimentally to treat people suffering from severe post-traumatic stress. They recently published findings in the Journal …
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Targeted Therapy: Its Status and Promise in Selected Solid Tumors Part II

Filed under: drug treatment news articles

ABSTRACT: This second article in our two-part series on targeted therapies in solid tumors covers the emergence of targeted therapies for the treatment of two common malignancies: lung cancer and breast cancer. In these two tumors, the identification …
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